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Digital Rights Program

Digital rights are considered to be the same fundamental human rights that exist in the offline world – but in the online world.
 In 2012 (and again in 2014 and 2016), the UN Human Rights Council agreed in a resolution that the "same rights that people have offline must also be protected online." 

In the same context, accessing information and freely communicating through internet become essential to guarantee enforcement of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Through Digital Rights’ program; MADA strives to raise public  awareness in general and journalists’ awareness in particular on digital rights being inherently related to freedom of expression and opinion as well as the right to access to information. 
Measuring freedom of expression through internet could be related to many factors such as ability to afford the service, speed, prices, filtering, censorship and violations against internet users. Therefore, MADA works through the digital rights’ program to shed light on the reality of these factors in Palestine and organizing wide-scale campaigns under different titles aiming at enhancing and protecting digital rights in Palestine as well as reducing the violations against internet users committed by either Israeli occupation authority or the Palestinian authorities in WB or in GS.